OUR SEATTLE CRAFTSMANLauren CaronOctober 16, 2020Our Seattle Craftsman, OurSeattleCraftsman, ourseattlecraftsman, Dining Room, ORC, ORCBHG, one room challenge, Blue Ceiling, Pale Powder, Haint Blue, DIYComment Fall One Room Challenge: Week 2 It’s time to talk about the blue ceiling I’m planning for this room! In this post I’m delving into the process as well as the reasoning behind why I’m choosing to paint the ceiling of my dining room light ‘haint’ blue! OUR SEATTLE CRAFTSMANLauren CaronOctober 16, 2020Our Seattle Craftsman, OurSeattleCraftsman, ourseattlecraftsman, Dining Room, ORC, ORCBHG, one room challenge, Blue Ceiling, Pale Powder, Haint Blue, DIYComment